

Elders (or pastors) are biblically qualified men who oversee the local church, particularly through teaching God’s Word, praying, caring for church members, and training members to do the work of ministry. These are the men our congregation has recognized as elders.

– Ephesians 4; 1 Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3


Lead Pastor

John Turner

John is an Air Force retiree and holds an MDiv from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as an associate pastor at Village Parkway Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX for over six years when God called him into church planting. He resigned from Village Parkway BC and joined Pillar Church of San Antonio a few months before the church launched in March 2023. However, in August 2023, God sent John and his wife, Angie, on a vision trip to Killeen, TX, and over the next six months, gave them a clear sense that Killeen was where He wanted them to plant a church. In obedience to God, John and Angie moved to Killeen in June 2024, settling in Harker Heights. They were married in 1997 and have three children: Georgia, Diego, and Caleb.


Jerimiah Walker

Jerimiah came to know the Lord at the age of 6 and enlisted in the US Army in 2000. He attended THE Ohio State University where he met his wife, Shelli, who he married after graduation in 2005. He served as an elder at Harmony Baptist Church in Waynesville, MO for 2 years. He has been in the Fort Cavazos area since 2019, and served as an elder at Christ Community Church in Harker Heights, TX for 4 years. Jerimiah and Shelli have 3 children: Madison, Alex, and Jace. They have a heart for military communities as he will finish 20 years of service in 2025, and they felt called to church plant in late 2023.